Julian D. A. Wiseman

The Author



I first tasted Port in October 1987, and immediately loved it.

I was too young and unwise to note what it was, but it might have been a 1970, a Vintage which still drinks beautifully.

A lucky start. 


Amongst Port collectors and enthusiasts I’m known for this long-awaited book.

Portuguese law used to prohibit the sale of large bottles. I’m also known for persuading the authorities to end that ban, and now most vintages are also offered in proper-sized bottles (3 or 6 litres).

In March 2016 I was admitted into the Confraria do Vinho do Porto “as an Honorary Confrade with the rank of Cavaleiro (Knight).”


Separately I have a degree in mathematics, and one previous book, being a beginner’s guide to the interest-rate markets — Pricing Money, Wiley (2001). I have written extensively on how governments could better interact with financial markets: papers are on my personal website www.jdawiseman.com

